Mentorship Request

If you’re interested in receiving guidance from other bitcoin educators, feel free to write down your requests in this forum. We’ll try to connect to you to a party that can help you to get started!

The Node Network consists of Light and Full Nodes that are happy to help you. Please write with what aspect you’d like to receive help:

  • Getting started with your first class
  • Visibility and marketing
  • Fundraising
  • Teacher Training/Onboarding
  • Operation
  • Online/Offline teaching
  • Other: …
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Interested to hear from anyone that is open to asssist in teaching in Italiano.

BTW @Arnold could be useful to have a definitive list of links to each of the translated versions of the course listed under Docs.


Good idea. We’re still figuring out how to use the tools best, but I’ll put it on my to-do list! Thanks!

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I am interested in any best practices with setting up a 501 c3.


@gabe and @bartgnirk may be able to help you! They have both been through this process already.


I am still in the process of applying for 501(c)(3) non-profit. Gabe is definitely a great resource for questions. There is a Light Node Start-Up guide that has some good information too. I will find that and attach or link the document.


I did find the New Node Startup Guide - U.S. Nodes and have been going through that and getting what I can done. I have a meeting with Gabe tomorrow, I really appreciate the help!


Hello everyone
I’m new here
Graysatoshi from Tanzania :tanzania: founder of bitcoinsafariTz, would like to connect with more Bitcoin Educator and learn more from my dear brother and sisters


Hello all - Do any fellow groups or nodes collaborate on delivering the Bitcoin Diploma program? I’m preparing the first cohort and was wondering if it could be made more effective/interesting by having other instructors or individuals teach various lessons or modules - somewhat like “guest lecturers”? A real example for clarity - say I am very comfortable with subject A (history of money - what is money) but not as knowledgeable on subject B (say the Lightning network, Lightning wallets or whatever). Is it done now or are nodes at liberty to coordinate - that some node somewhere could have me teach on my strength to their students and they teach on their strength to mine? Just to be clear - I’m comfortable teaching all modules to my students and such - I’m just wondering if it is done at all or could be something any other nodes are interested in exploring.


The good news is that the curriculum doesn’t really get technical until the end, so you have plenty of time to a) study and get ready, and b) find help explaining the more technical topics.
Remember that we’re taking newbies from 0 to 1, that’s it, that’s the focus. You don’t have to be Saifedean Ammous to be effective!


@mhelinski for my idea: are you planning online cohorts? Or in-person?


For our first cohort it will be online – moving forward I’d like to do both.

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With online classes, it’s more common to ask for guest tutors indeed! @Destiny, @felixdivoar and @glenn have been giving several online cohorts, and teachers like @gabe, myself and @Huxley have helped some out with taking individual chapters.

Usually it helps to first make the agenda/schedule, share that with the network, so everyone can claim a chapter if they’re interested (on a date that works).

Oh, and please ping me or @Jonathan if you need an Google Classroom or Online School. Details can be found here:

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  • Teacher Training/Onboarding
    I would like to teach the course and offer the diploma and eventually help my local community gain awareness and hopefully get some stores to accept it here in the USA (Central Pennsylvania)

Great work @Sunny
For the business adoption effort, Bitcoin Rocks has some awesome information you can share with them


@gabe Awesome thank you so much for this information and the compliment!