Now that you have organized a recurring meetup, and completed your first cohort based on the Bitcoin Diploma, it’s time to go to the next level.
Enter the Node Network. This is where all the most important education projects in the Bitcoin space gather to share best practices and learn from each other.
By joining the Node Network, you will join a community of dedicated educators who will help you grow your project and extend your reach.
All the nodes respect and enforce the consensus rules of the network, which are the following:
- Independence with zero external influence.
- Impartiality.
- Community-based approach.
- Bitcoin-only focus.
- Prioritization of empowerment over profits.
- Quality maintenance.
These values are of the utmost importance, as they constitute who we are as individual education projects and as a network. Any community who would stray away from them would tarnish the image of all the other projects, which would in turn delay the adoption of Bitcoin all around the world.
To join the Node Network, new education projects have to show proof-of-work, dedication, and motivation. They also need to prove their values are aligned with those of the network.
They do so by filling out an application, which will be voted on by the existing Full Nodes. Click here to learn more about how the Node Network’s governance works.
When accepted, you will have access to a new area of the community platform, called “Node Network”.
There you will find another wiki like the one that led you here, this time dedicated to Light Nodes. It will provide you with even more information and resources to grow as a Bitcoin education project and obtain support from the community.
If your application is refused, the nodes will provide you feedback as to why that is. You can always reapply to the next voting session.